python-dask 2024.12.0-1
Architecture: | any |
Repository: | Extra-Staging |
Description: | Parallel computing with task scheduling |
Upstream URL: | |
License(s): | BSD-3-Clause |
Maintainers: |
Bruno Pagani Jakub Klinkovský |
Package Size: | 2.9 MB |
Installed Size: | 18.3 MB |
Last Packager: | Jakub Klinkovský |
Build Date: | 2024-12-07 07:53 UTC |
Signed By: | Jakub Klinkovský |
Signature Date: | 2024-12-07 08:00 UTC |
Last Updated: | 2024-12-07 08:01 UTC |
Dependencies (52)
- mpdecimal
- python (staging)
- python-click (staging)
- python-cloudpickle (staging)
- python-fsspec (staging)
- python-importlib-metadata (staging)
- python-packaging (staging)
- python-partd (staging)
- python-toolz (staging)
- python-yaml (staging)
- python-distributed (staging) (optional) - distributed computing
- python-numpy (staging) (optional) - arrays and dataframes support
- python-pandas (staging) (optional) - dataframes support
- python-psutil (staging) (optional) - more accurate CPU count
- python-pyarrow (staging) (optional) - Apache Arrow, for parquet support
- python-sqlalchemy (staging) (optional) - writing and reading from SQL databases
- python-xxhash (staging) (optional) - faster hashing of arrays
- python-build (staging) (make)
- python-installer (staging) (make)
- python-setuptools (staging) (make)
- python-versioneer (staging) (make)
- python-wheel (staging) (make)
- ipython (staging) (check)
- python-aiohttp (staging) (check)
- python-boto3 (staging) (check)
- python-botocore (staging) (check)
- python-cytoolz (staging) (check)
- python-dask-expr (staging) (check)
- python-distributed (staging) (check)
- python-graphviz (staging) (check)
- python-h5py (staging) (check)
- python-httpretty (staging) (check)
- python-jinja (staging) (check)
- python-jsonschema (staging) (check)
- python-lz4 (staging) (check)
- python-matplotlib (staging) (check)
- python-moto (staging) (check)
- python-numexpr (staging) (check)
- python-numpy (staging) (check)
- python-pandas (staging) (check)
- python-psutil (staging) (check)
- python-pyarrow (staging) (check)
- python-pytables (staging) (check)
- python-pytest (staging) (check)
- python-pytest-rerunfailures (staging) (check)
- python-requests (staging) (check)
- python-scikit-learn (staging) (check)
- python-scipy (staging) (check)
- python-snappy (staging) (check)
- python-sqlalchemy (staging) (check)
- python-xarray (staging) (check)
- python-xxhash (staging) (check)
Required By (13)
- python-dask-expr (staging)
- python-distributed (staging)
- python-astropy (staging) (optional)
- python-hist (staging) (optional)
- python-xarray (staging) (optional)
- python-fsspec (staging) (check)
- python-hist (staging) (check)
- python-pandas (staging) (check)
- python-spyder-kernels (staging) (check)
- python-tqdm (staging) (check)
- python-uproot (check)
- python-uproot-docs (check)
- python-xarray (staging) (check)