Rebuild Todo List glew 1.11 rebuild

2014-08-18 - Maxime Gauduin

glew 1.11 has a new soname. It's already in [extra] so please push directly in [extra] or [community], and to [staging] or [community-staging] for packages overlapping with the boost rebuild.

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11 packages displayed out of 11 total packages.
Arch Repository Name Current Version Staging Version Maintainers Status Last Touched By
x86_64 Extra bzflag Complete bisson
x86_64 Extra calligra-krita felixonmars, arojas Complete bpiotrowski
x86_64 Multilib dwarffortress svenstaro Complete kkeen
x86_64 Extra enblend-enfuse Archange, alerque Complete felixonmars
x86_64 Extra glew 2.2.0-7 andyrtr Complete alucryd
x86_64 Extra hugin Archange, alerque Complete bisson
x86_64 Multilib lib32-glew 2.2.0-5 lcarlier, felixonmars Complete alucryd
x86_64 Multilib lib32-mesa-demos 9.0.0-2 lcarlier Complete felixonmars
x86_64 Extra libreoffice-fresh 25.2.1-2 andyrtr Complete bpiotrowski
x86_64 Extra mesa-demos 9.0.0-5 andyrtr, lcarlier Complete felixonmars
x86_64 Multilib pcsx2 Complete alucryd