Rebuild Todo List libglvnd move
2017-02-13 - Laurent Carlier
(lib32-)libglvnd will provide (lib32-)libgl, (lib32-)libegl and (lib32-)libgles
and will depend on (lib32-)opengl-driver.
(lib32-)nvidia-utils and (lib32-)mesa will provide (lib32-)opengl-driver and will provide their respective (lib32-)nvidia-gl and (lib32-)mesa-gl for compatibility with old packages.
(lib32-)nvidia-304xx will move to unsupported when the rebuild will move to testing, as (lib32-)mesa will not provide anymore libegl and libgles.
I will take care of the rebuild, you can take care of the testing!
Filter Todo List Packages
Arch | Repository | Name | Current Version | Staging Version | Maintainers | Status | Last Touched By |
x86_64 | Multilib | lib32-libglvnd | lcarlier, felixonmars | Complete | lcarlier | ||
x86_64 | Multilib | lib32-mesa | 1:24.3.4-1 | heftig, lcarlier, felixonmars | Complete | lcarlier | |
x86_64 | Multilib | lib32-nvidia-utils | 570.124.04-1 | svenstaro, felixonmars, dbermond, ptr1337 | Complete | lcarlier | |
x86_64 | Extra | libglvnd | 1.7.0-1 | lcarlier, felixonmars | Complete | lcarlier | |
x86_64 | Extra | mesa | 1:24.3.4-1 | heftig, lcarlier, felixonmars | Complete | lcarlier | |
x86_64 | Extra | nvidia-utils | 570.124.04-1 | svenstaro, felixonmars, dbermond, daurnimator, ptr1337 | Complete | lcarlier |