Rebuild Todo List remove cloog/isl dependency in gcc packages
2014-11-03 - Allan McRae
The latest isl is incompatible with gcc. The patch we carry is a hack, and I am fairly convinced does the wrong thing.
I have built gcc-4.9.2 using in tree builds of isl/cloog. This uses the latest compatible (and upstream recommended) isl/cloog versions. Check on the PKGUILD in SVN.
I suggest everyone does the same. If you really want to keep the isl/cloog deps, you can have them in [community] once gcc-4.9.2 hits [core].
As an aside, why is mingw-w64-gcc-base in the repos?
Filter Todo List Packages
Arch | Repository | Name | Current Version | Staging Version | Maintainers | Status | Last Touched By |
x86_64 | Core | gcc | 14.2.1+r753+g1cd744a6828f-1 | grazzolini, freswa | Complete | allan | |
x86_64 | Multilib | gcc-multilib | Complete | allan |