Rebuild Todo List Removing glib/gtk from make/optdepends

2014-05-17 - Eric Bélanger

We are going to remove the old glib and gtk packages from the repos [1]. Obviously, packages that require them will also be removed. This todo list is for packages which has a make/optdepends on either glib, gtk or a package that has glib/gtk in its dependency tree. Remove gtk support or patch to build without gtk if possible. Push the updated packages straight in the [extra] or [community] repos.


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2 packages displayed out of 2 total packages.
Arch Repository Name Current Version Staging Version Maintainers Status Last Touched By
x86_64 Extra flac 1.5.0-1 heftig, anthraxx Complete eric
x86_64 Extra libdv 1.0.0-11 bgyorgy Complete eric